Ryan Christian
Software Engineer
I'm most known for being a core member of preactjs, working on the core, build tooling, ancillary libraries, and the ecosystem. Author and co-author of way too many small libraries and apps, I'm an open source enthusiast with a passion for web performance and furthering the democratization of the web.
Featured Works
Collection of Works
Tailwind Grouping
Babel and bundler plugins for expanding TailwindCSS-like utility classes
Create secure introspectable tunnels to your local device with a single command
Parametric Equations
OpenGL application to visualize chaos theory mathematics through parametric equations plotted over time
Tiny (1004B) browser HTTP library for easily making authenticated API requests
GitHub Contribution Calendar API
Cloudflare worker used for retrieving the data that goes into forming the contribution calendar for a user on GitHub
Preact GitHub Calendar
A tiny (1.66kB) Preact component library used to display the contribution calendar of one's GitHub profile
Preact Hint
A super tiny (665B) Preact component library used to used to create tooltips, hover hints, and other floating information panes